Motivate Me Monday - Back On The Wagon

My "visualize this" picture for the week. Lots of tea, lots of rice.
So it's here...  Monday again.  After having what can only be counted as a totally disastrous month for my health, fitness, eating, and everything in between, I'm ready to kind of hop back on the wagon.  Not going to lie, it has been kind of a discouraging week and on Saturday I made the big decision to rage quit my lifestyle.  I really am ready to just shake it off and move on with life.  I can't even believe that it was a month ago I walked the Princess Half Marathon...  It feels like years ago, especially considering all that's happened since.

This is the week that I take the baby steps back to regaining control of my life and desperately clawing my way back to being that person who used to be an active, outdoor, runner-type person.

My baby-stepping goals for the week:
  • Fitbit, you're the center of my life again. 10k per day or bust is my new motto.  I've joined three challenges with my friends this week and while it'd be nice to win, it'll be even nice to have the accountability of having people see if I'm at least getting active.  Want to join me?  Feel free to be my friend, unless you're more active than me and I have no chance of beating you.
  • Oh hello Moov...  I got you for myself for Christmas because you promised to change my running life.  Then you didn't work with my phone so I stuffed you in a drawer until my upgrade.  Then I got my upgrade, but I forgot I had you.  Then I used you twice, you were nice enough to point out that I have a lot to work on to be a better runner.  Even though I filed this under "stuff I know," I lamented how mean you were to point it out (even though you really weren't) and put you back in the drawer.  Well, now I'm ready to face my embarrassingly low walking/running score and try to level up.  You and me?  We have a date twice a day for one round of walking training and one round of 7 Minute+.  If I can pry my husband's iPhone away from him, we may even do some boxing...  Unless you could also put that workout on my phone too, that would be awesome.
  • Thank you Pinterest for turning me on to the "Gutsy Girl's Bible."  When I rage quit my lifestyle over the weekend, I bought it and I fell in love.  21 days to help me heal?  I'm all over that.  I'll do occasional updates on how it's helping me manage over at
My new best friends
I had grand, lofty plans to hit the gym three times this week, maybe take a class or two, but I'm just wanting to break this all into solid chunks that I can reasonably tackle without overwhelming myself.  There's always next week, right?  

Next race on tap is Color Me Rad 5k in April, so I'm thinking even though it's highly bizarre to want to start a training plan to run a 5k efficiently after having just done a half and a 10k, but really, I clearly need it.  So maybe that's a "by the end of the week" sort of thing.  

I can't help it...  I'm a sucker for a motivational poster.  This week, I keep going back to one of the first ones I found on Pinterest way back in the day.  I don't know why, but it's one that I default to pretty often.  It seems like a great first "Motivate Me Monday" picture, if anything, because it reminds me of strength and beginnings.


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