Motivate Me Monday - Winning, Losing, and Unplugging

My focus this week

Hello again Monday...  We meet again.  I seem to hate you less now that I'm setting goals for the week and giving myself benchmarks to hit.  That's good, right?  
Actually, I'm pretty proud of my week last week.  I laid out some clear, obtainable goals and I put forward some great progress:
  • Fitbit is getting quite the exercise.  Not only did I hit my 10k per day goal every day this week, on most days I blew it right out of the water.  Not only that, I hit 100% of the fitness goals (steps, miles, calories, floors, and active minutes) five out of seven days.  I missed my mileage goal on Wednesday because I accidentally fell asleep at 6pm thanks to meds from my procedure, and on Monday I just flaked out.  Not sure what happened there.  But both days, frustratingly enough, I was only .25 miles away from hitting the goal. Lesson: check my stats at the end of the day. # PayAttention
Nailed it!
  • Moov, we're getting there.  Ok, I'm trying here people.  I really am.  I'm happy to say I did use my Moov once and I had brilliant results.  I even hit Level 7 and did five intervals instead of the suggested minimum of three before stomach pain and a dead battery conspired against me.  Then it died.  And I couldn't find my charger.  Even after tearing apart the house.  However, I found it last night (at midnight actually) and I'm ready to go again this week. #ThirdTimeIsTheCharm
  • The gym (insert dramatic music here).  Through impulsiveness and bad planning, I didn't realize I couldn't get to the gym Monday through Wednesday (Monday I forgot to sign up for daycare and it was full, Tuesday is just too crazy, Wednesday I had an appointment all day)...  I did, however, go Thursday and Friday for two hours.  I would have gone Sunday, but I didn't realize it was Easter.  This all circles back to me being not such a great planner.  So I fell short of my goal, but I think I went as often as was realistic given how crazy my week was.  #ImCountingIt   
  • Meal planning.  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday were meal planning success!  I stayed totally on menu and it was so liberating to not have to dread trying to figure out what's for dinner every night.  As far as the kids go, they actually ate it!  With very little arguing and a minor amount tears!  And people...  I made my own ricotta!  What?!   #Rockstar  
The low days are still 10k days!
Thanks to managing my food and exercise successfully last week, I lost 8 pounds!  Before you guys panic, I will say that my Prednisone taper is continuing and as a result I know at least half of that weight is my body no longer retaining water like a sponge.  I don't expect that this dramatic loss will continue and frankly I hope it won't.  I'm watching my calories and my nutrients, being seen weekly by doctors, etc etc.  I'm being safe, I pinky swear. 

I did have some pretty significant challenges last week.  I suffered a relapse of symptoms of my Lyme related co-infection at the end of the week.  That sucked.  Because of that, I wasn't able to go with my husband to see his family 3 hours away.  That sucked more.

By way of a refreshing change, I actually sat down and gave serious thought to my week and what was doable and not doable.  I think I've done a great job setting goals that are realistic, but still challenging:
  • Fitbit, you're going to work harder.  I'm hitting my 10k per day and would actually like to hit more like 12k per day.  I'm also going to 100% my fitness goals for the week. #BecauseICan
  • Back to the gym!  I'm hitting the gym Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and doing the #Gimme5Challenge to help me with some weight training, something I suck at.  I'm also taking a flying leap out of my comfort zone by signing up for some fitness classes that are not things I'd typically do.  I've got a great mix of low and high impact: yoga, circuit training, aqua Zumba, and spinning.  Do you you follow me on Twitter?  I'm betting you'll want to at about 6pm, 7pm this week.  #EnjoyMyMisery    
Spoiling myself with tea
  • I like to Moov it, Moov it.  We're going to have a treadmill date three times.  Since I'm at the gym so much this week, this should be no problem. #WheresMyCharger
  • Be kind to me.  Last week was a rough week managing my Lyme related co-infections.  I spent most of Friday, all of Saturday night and Sunday night in absolute misery.  And as I decrease my Prednisone dosage again, this week promises to have more challenges.  So, more tea, less junk, more being reasonable about what I can tolerate.  I didn't menu plan as well as I should have, I regret it.  #Whoops   
  • My family is everything.  Truth time...  I've done awful at setting time aside for my family these last couple of weeks.  Between being sick, writing, and redoing two websites, plus doing contract work for clients, I've just been out straight.  I need to set aside more time to be with my husband and the kids.  After unplugging to take a walk with the family in the middle of the day last week, I realized that this is something I need to do more often.  For me and them.  Did you know there's a world outside of work?  #FamilyTime
Twitter fun
So, there it is, laid out in black, white, and green.   I'm feeling pretty good about how I'm progressing and I feel light-years away from where I was a few weeks ago.  Progress!

Thanks and love to everybody who Tweeted and Instagramed their good vibes last Wednesday (yes, even the trolls, you guys were great too, in your own jerky way) and I'm glad I gave everybody some good laughs...  I'm also glad I had the clarity to realize it was best to leap off of Twitter and onto Pinterest when my meds really kicked in.  

As far as my motivational picture for the week...  I think this one looks good.  My husband suggested "aw, f-it" but I'm not sure that's where I want to go this week.  Maybe next week.  Or after circuit training.  Apparently that class is brutal.

So let's discuss:
  • What are your goals for the week?
  • Have you ever been to any classes where you're the fish out of water?
  • How awesome is Teavana tea! That's not a question. I just want to hear others tell me how awesome they think it is too.

Found on Pinterest, sourced from here


  1. I'm getting back into tea again. Having been finally off sugary energy drinks (again) for 3 weeks, I'm just drinking coffee and tea and natural caffeine sources. Heard good things about Teavana, will have to check it out. Now that it's getting warmer, I'm all about iced teas.

    1. Teavana is great but expensive and I end up using more loose leaf tea than they suggest for a bolder flavor. I know most tea people like something more subtle, but I think years of having bold flavored sodas and fruit waters, I need something more.

  2. Oh man, prednisone is awful! I was only on it once and it made me a total insomniac and feel insane! I hope this week is much better for you!

    1. Luckily (?) I haven't had issues with feeling weird on it, other than sleeping. That said, I did freak out and burst into tears when I ran out of sugar mid-recipe last week. Thinking back, that may have been the Prednisone. Instead, I've got major moon face and bloating. Hard to pick which is worse. LoL!
