Motivate Me Monday - A Day (or two) Late

Finally, it's almost spring!
So, I'm a bit late on my Motivate Me Monday update, but I have a good reason, I promise.

Last week I talked about being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and less than 24 hours later I posted about a huge treatment setback.  Because I'm transitioning between medications, managing symptoms, and generally feeling like a bus hit me...  Then backed up, hit me again...  I ended up falling way short of all of my goals for last week.  I also ended my Fitbit 10k per day fitness streak, which really irritates the crap out of me.  

I discovered zucchini chips last week... Amazing!
Unfortunately, I'm still in a holding pattern when it comes to my medications which means feeling a whole lot of yuck for a little while.  The best I can figure is this new medication is made up of gold nuggets and requires a special release from the head of the Illuminati before I can use it.  I wish I was joking, but I'm still about 2-3 weeks away from being able to take it thanks to having to wait for insurance to clear my getting it anywhere other than their specialty home delivery pharmacy and a nurse to be available to travel to my home and give me a three hour training (?!) on how to properly administer it.

Until then, I'm kind of at the mercy of a whole lot of forces I can't control in terms of how I feel and what I can do.  Days like Sunday and Monday were great and finding it in me to exercise is easy as pie.  Days like yesterday...  Those were not.  In fact, simply existing yesterday was kind of a trick, forget exercising.

So my goals for this week are pretty simple:

Just try.

First walk on our Rail Trail
Really, I feel so gross and I really don't have it in me to set a bigger goal than that right now.  While I'd like to hit my 10k per day, go to the gym, eat right, and not generally lock myself in a closet for the next 2-3 weeks, saying I'll be able to do that consistently right now just isn't in the cards.  So I'm aiming for being able to sit down at the end of the day and being able to say to myself "I really tried my butt off today."  

Other than that, not much to update.  I still hate my insurance, Prednisone, and right now I kinda hate Hulu right now for not having a lot of good new TV on.  I'm in love with Fresh Market, TJ Maxx, and Homegoods because of an awesome day shopping with my parents yielded a ton of really cool stuff, including a jeans jacket I'm borderline obsessed with and a ton of cool new plates and bowls.  I (and by I, I mean my mother) found one that I actually spotted during several of our Disney vacations at the Japan Pavilion in Epcot.  The Japan Pavilion is one of my favorite places in the world and so when I saw it, I very nearly burst into happy tears.  Totally made my day.

Anyway, this week's motivational quote comes from my personal hero and a lady I'm very disappointed to say was the victim of fat shaming recently because she gained a little what she calls "happy life weight."  I totally feel that.  Seeing as I'm an adult woman in my 30s, I don't often quote song lyrics anymore (I gave that up in my 20s), so I get a little leeway in the cliche department.

So let's discuss:

  • Did you do better hitting your goals last week than I did?
  • Have you ever burst into happy tears over a ramen bowl?
  • Is there anything on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Video I should be watching that's better than "Basketball Wives?"
  • Why aren't you following me on social media?  Unless you are, then I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the guy behind you.


  1. Aw, I hope you get your meds figured out and feel better soon! I can imagine it is frustrating to feel that way and not have much control over it!

    1. It is frustrating, but I'm optimistic! Thank you for your well wishes!
